I have found that I have been drawn to creative expression throughout my life and I have discovered different ways to feed that desire. My medium of choice at this point has evolved into the manipulation of metal.
We all absorb so many different things in this life. To express these experiences is an individual process that is, in no way, an easy thing to portray to others. In many ways, the specific meaning of a piece is something that only the creator could ever really know. Sometimes I find that the process itself, is the true artistic intension. Yet, if a certain amount of emotional depth, experience, and skill are applied, I feel that anyone can find meaning in a piece.
I make visual representations of the world as I have perceived it. I find great joy in the emotional reactions of others who look on my work, whether that reaction is positive or negative. I find it hard to explain how or why I create these things other than I feel a compelling desire to do so.
Thank you for taking the time to view some of my work.
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